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Praxis Communities 1 Cohort Registration

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Praxis Communities 1 Cohort Registration

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To secure your Early Bird discount please make a deposit of $250 by May 30th. 

The $250 deposit will be dectued from you total.

Annual Cost for 1 Participtant: $2,395


  • 30 Weeks of Training
  • LC Intensive Registration Fee
  • 3 Core Immersions

Payment Options are available! We offer quarterly or (10) monthly payments. Contact the V3 administrator for instructions at [email protected]


We offer the following discounts for additional teammates who join the training.

  • 1 Additional Team Member - $1,895 Annual Cost for teammate
  • Spouse - $1,400 Annual Cost for spouse
  • 2 or more Team Members - $1,400 per additional team member



For those who wish to pay by check, please send checks to our home office at the BGAV:
Payable to : 
The V3 Movement 

2828 Emerywood Parkway
Richmond, Virginia 23294

*Please note who the payment is for.


Mission Statement:

These cohorts provide strategic training for planters as you journey through the formative phases of planting churches and starting movements. The training is holistic, communal, peer-based, practice and process oriented, transferable and conducive to movement. It will expose you to essential processes, tools and practices of church planting from a distinctly movemental approach. This is designed for a planter or co-planters.

Basic Information

Phone: 540.798.8602
Website: www.thev3movement.org
Country: United States


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