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Sharing Great News in Asia

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding

Sharing Great News in Asia

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding


I would have a hard time believing this was true if it wasn't already in the works. I've been blessed with a unique opportunity to preach with a small team in Asia. For those willing to go, they're seeing a great harvest. I have prayerfully decided to go. This will be a short but impactful trip in 2017.

Mission Statement:

I couldn't imagine a better way to invest our kingdom dollars than this opportunity. I hope and pray you will strongly consider playing a part in making this possible. All funds raised, even beyond the target, will support ongoing missions overseas. I'm hoping to raise a little something extra to bless the persecuted church there with some reading materials. The greatest need they have right now is for books. They can print a copy for $5-10.

Also, check out our blog at www.walkingwiththelion.co m and if you prefer to give through paypal just type paypal.me/familyonamissio n into your browser or send funds to [email protected] via paypal.

As always, please pray about supporting us and pray for our ministry and safety. I love you all so much!
Your brother and friend,