Mission Statement:
Currently, there are a staggering 40 million people who are enslaved across the globe, and IJM, a Christian human rights organization seeks to put an end to slave trade everywhere with a mission to "rescue thousands, protect millions, and prove that justice for the poor is possible". This includes sex trafficking, land theft, police abuse of power, citizenship rights abuse, sexual violence against children and, forced labor slavery. With 17 field offices in a number of different countries, they work with local police to rescue those who are enslaved, partner with law enforcement to bring slave owners to justice, and also bring restoration to survivors of human slavery.
I am extremely excited to be interning with International Justice Mission where I will be serving in Cebu, Philippines at a field office for a year working in law enforcement development and investigations position. IJM began working in Cebu in 2006 and have made significant progress in stopping the exploitation of children in the commercial sex trade. The more recent focus has been cyber-investigations as traffickers have turned as a newer form of exploitation--live-stream ing of sexual abuse of children for people to view over the internet.
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Love you sister friend!!! Keeping shining your light into the world.
Love you sister friend!!! Keeping shining your light into the world.
Love you sister friend!!! Keeping shining your light into the world.
Love you sister friend!!! Keeping shining your light into the world.
Good for you Emma for extending
Emma - you are going to change lives in the Phillippines this year, and even beyond that. I cannot wait to follow your hard work and adventures, and pray for you along the way! Love you!
What a constant source of joy and support you are to me! I love you
Emma - you are going to change lives in the Phillippines this year, and even beyond that. I cannot wait to follow your hard work and adventures, and pray for you along the way! Love you!
Love you Emma! We will be keeping you in our prayers.
We will be praying for you Emma! So excited for the work you will be part of and that you will be with IJM>
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