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Goal: $1,500




Since the Coronavirus, my life has been in shambles. Recently me, my friend, and her baby moved from Ohio to Florida thinking we would be able to get on our feet and live our lives. But unfortunately, we have been homeless and forced to pitch a tent behind abandoned houses and having to scrap up change to live in motel rooms for a day or two. We have lost?tremendous amounts of weight struggling to eat because we been only worried about feeding the baby, which we can barely do as is. My food stamps got denied because the address I used "Doesn't have children listed in the household". And to top it off, our car is no longer working due to electrical problems. It costs $500 just to tow it from where it's at and that's not included with the cost of getting it fixed. We have been throwing most of our stuff away because there's only so much we can carry on foot. We have had a little help from people my friend knows here, but it hasn't been much for us to live peacefully. We appreciate everything they have done for us. Everyday we have to figure out a place to sleep and it's very tiring. Plus, we have to avoid neighbors from freaking out because they hear a baby crying in a tent behind a abandoned house. My friends job closed down the same day we moved here and it has been an everyday struggle ever since. $1,500 is enough for us to get the car towed, fixed, and to take care of her 1-year old baby. We are not? worried about ourselves as much, just the baby because she doesn't deserve to be living a life like this. Please help us Anything?is a blessing. We wish you guys the best through this pandemic.? Thank you and please have a blessed day.

Mission Statement:

To Be Happy