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Alicia Disler

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Alicia Disler

tithe tithing fundraising raise money crowdfunding


Alicia Disler grew up in Brazil as a child while her and her family shared the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. God planted a desire in Alicia's heart to follow in her parents' footsteps to become a missionary. She attended Bible college and graduated with a bachelor's in Christian Education. Alicia persued the orphaned children in Romania. God led her to Mission's 3:16 to work with a team of well-established missionaries in several children's ministries. in 2024, Mission's 3:16 accepted her as a full-time missionary. Now she is raising support to move to Romania and begin ministry.

Thank you so much for your prayer and financial partnership! You are the supporting team who assists to spread the good news of Jesus Christ!



Alicia's ministry goal is to practice hospitality and get involved in one of the three ministries: 

1). Help win, teach, and disciple village children to walk with Christ, and aid them with their homework.

2). Teach the Bible and English to Romani (Gypsy) kids.

3). Invest in the lives of children and teens taken out of bad home situations.

In the far future Alicia dreams to open a facility that cares for orphan children.

Basic Information

Country: Romania
Region: Ialomita
City: Timisoara


Timisoara, Ialomita, Romania Map It