I'm heading to Asia in 2017. The believers where I'm going are not able to get good jobs due to persecution. As a result, they have a hard time being able to provide books for the incredible demand resulting from many families coming to faith. They would like to put a book in every believing home, which is shared by 5-6 people on average.
Mission Statement:
I'm hoping to raise a little something extra to bless the persecuted church there with some much needed bibles. They can print a bible for about $5-10. Your support will go directly to putting books in homes of newly believing families in Asia where becoming a believer comes with incredible cost and sacrifice; some in the church have paid the highest price in the past year. Partner with me to richly bless them with this amazing gift.
Also, check out our blog at m and if you prefer to give through paypal just type n into your browser or send funds to [email protected] via paypal.
Love you all. Let's bring the kingdom together!