Graciela and Fernando Ramos, who have served the Lord very well in Good News Ministries for many years, are suffering through the effects of the worst flood ever to hit their home. They live in Bahia Blanca, located in the south of Buenos Aires province in Argentina, which was inundated by a year's worth of rain in a matter of hours on March 7, with numerous neighborhoods and roads quickly destroyed. All of the furniture and everything else on the first floor of their home was ruined and, when the flood receded, the floors were caked with thick mud. They have no electricity, no water, and little food as most stored are closed.
For one week, we are running a special fundraiser to help them recover from this disaster.
20 people died from this flood, and we are all very grateful that Graciela and Fernando are safe. They are temporarily moving to a small house up in the mountains where they will have access to electricity and internet.