Project "Protect the Wolves Relocation" needs your help and needs you to share this dire and urgent 'howl' for help !!
Wolf "Niwa" and his 22 pack members have been on a sanctuary in Sandpoint, Idaho --- BUT the sanctuary is under intense pressure and basically will be closed to the wolves --- !
The good news --- we have found another sanctuary ranch located in Northern California !!
It Closes at the end of May !! AWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The bad news --- we don't have all the money we need to complete this relocation endeavor and save these 23 wolves from those who would harm them !
We must relocate the current sanctuary equipment, enclosures, with relocating the fencing, it will save 500k some have told us. So simply due to the prohibitive costs of new... and we certainly will be relocating the wolves!
Please help with just $5.00 if you can --- $2.00--- if you can and most of all SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU CAN so we can raise the approximate $15-20,000. it will take!
This is a fundraiser goes direct to Protect The Wolves nonprofit account.
Please just look in an old coat pocket or purse to find $2.00 or $5.00 --- if everyone did that we could safely transport these wolves to their new and permanent home!
The Trump administration is about to pass "The War On Wolves Act" --- it is in process now! Wolves need our help! Please come through for these 23 magnificent animals! Peruse the site to find more photos and videos.
Many howls!
Ranch Closes May 25th to May 31st, depending on current Owner.
Protect The Wolves is relocating 23 wolves from Sandpoint Idaho to Northern California.
We have to relocate current enclosures from the existing Sanctuary to the new Location. Due to costs involved it is 90% less expensive to relocate fence as opposed to purchase new or used fencing for that matter. This Fund is broke out as follows:
$3,000 - $8,000 for a gooseneck 5th wheel Flatbed Trailer , then 3,000-5000 for equipment rental for demo and re-installation of perimeter as well as enclosures.
Mission Statement:
To provide Enclosure relocation to New Ranch in Northern California for Niwa and his 22 Packmates.
Recent Donations
Bless you for what you are doing to protect those beautiful wolves!
Good work
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